‘Another great read in this series of Sunflower Street and praise to Rachel for writing such a wonderful, moving, emotional and heartwarming story.
The characters are brilliant and so real, escaping into their world with ease, which is credit to the author.
Rachel has a gift for story telling and making each one seem real, at the same time delivering a very uplifting great read.
Fully recommend and 5/5 for me.’

Another fabulous story by RacheL…. She has a way in her storytelling which makes you feel you are part of the book. Can’t wait for the next one.’

‘Such a sweet romance! I could visualize the cafe, the surf shack, the beach, and everything else about it. I felt the heartaches turn to beautiful relationships and felt Cwtch Cove spreading its healing powers to welcome Lilli and her family. I’m going to stop here, as I don’t want to leave any spoilers for you. It is an un-put-downable-story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.’

‘This series gets better and better. Who wouldn’t want to live in Sunflower Street after reading these books? Can’t wait to start the next one!’